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Kawamoto, T. (2021). Stability and change in psychological distress and early adverse environments in Japanese adults. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 43, 822–839. doi:10.1007/s10862-021-09890-3
Kawamoto, T. (2021). Online self-presentation and identity development: The moderating effect of neuroticism. PsyCh Journal, 10, 816–833. doi:10.1002/pchj.470
Kawamoto, T., Van der Linden, D., Dunkel, C. S., & Ando, J. (2021). Genetic and environmental correlations between the General Factor of Personality (GFP) and working memory. Personality and Individual Differences, 183, 111125. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2021.111125
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Kawamoto, T., Kubota (Komoto), A., Sakakibara, R., Muto, S., Tonegawa, A., Komatsu, S., & Endo, T. (2021). The General Factor of Personality (GFP), trait emotional intelligence, and problem behaviors in Japanese teens. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, 110480. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2020.110480
Kawamoto, T. (2021). Association between sibling composition in the family of origin and moral foundations in adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, 28, 64–75. doi:10.1007/s10804-020-09354-0
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Kawamoto, T., Shimotsukasa, T., & Oshio, A. (2020). Cross-sectional age differences in the Dark Triad traits in two Japanese samples. Psychology and Aging, 35, 91–96. doi:10.1037/pag0000399
Kawamoto, T. (2020). The moderating role of attachment style on the relationship between self-concept clarity and self-esteem. Personality and Individual Differences, 152, 109604. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2019.109604
Kawamoto, T. (2019). Personality change in middle adulthood: With focus on differential susceptibility. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 153, 860–879. doi:10.1080/00223980.2019.1632251
Kawamoto, T., Mieda, T., & Oshio, A. (2019). Moral foundations and cognitive ability: Results from a Japanese sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 31–36. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2019.05.050
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Dunkel, C. S., Van der Linden, D., & Kawamoto, T. (2019). Early childhood social responsiveness predicts the general factor of personality in early adolescence. Infant and Child Development, e2123. doi:10.1002/icd.2123
Kawamoto, T., Van der Linden, D., & Dunkel, C. S. (2017). The General Factor of Personality (GFP) and moral foundations. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 78–82. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2017.06.043
Kawamoto, T. (2016b). Cross-sectional age differences in the HEXACO personality: Results from a Japanese sample. Journal of Research in Personality, 62, 1−5. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2016.03.001
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